AFC™ # AFC-DP-CB1-ROM, Compatible with Dupont® WFRO60X QuickTwist RO Drinking Water Filter System cartridges set of WFQTC30001 and WFROM1000X -Made in U.S.A.

EAN: 3703254172390 SKU AFC-DP-CB1-ROM-770588 Category
1. Choose quantity below
As Low As $25.00 Per Filter!
Price Per Filter

6 Month Pack: AFC-DP-CB1 (2 of them) , AFC-DP-ROM (1 of them)

1 Year Pack: AFC-DP-CB1 (4 of them) , AFC-DP-ROM (1 of them)

2 Year Pack: AFC-DP-CB1 (8 of them) , AFC-DP-ROM (2 of them)

3 year Pack: AFC-DP-CB1 (12 of them) , AFC-DP-ROM (3 of them)

Performance of AFC-DP-CB1:
Removes / Reduces: Chlorine, Bad Taste, Odorand all Contaminants to a 0.5 Micron level.
Operating Specifications of AFC-DP-CB1:
Filter dimensions: 10" x 2.25" x 2.25" (H x W x D)
Flow Rate: 1.5 GPM - 2.0 GPM
Micron Rating: 0.5 Micron
Capacity: 12 Months - 3000 Gallons
Min & Max Operating Temperature (for cold water use only): 40-100°F (4.4-37.8°C)
Min & Max Operating Pressure: 40-100 psi (276-689 kPa)
Performance of AFC-DP-ROM:
Removes / Reduces: Chlorine, Bad Taste, Odorand all Contaminants to a 0.1 Micron level.
Operating Specifications of AFC-DP-ROM:
Filter dimensions: 10" x 2.25" x 2.25" (H x W x D)
Flow Rate: 1.5 GPM - 2.0 GPM
Micron Rating: 0.1 Micron
Capacity: 12 Months or 10,000 Gallons
Min & Max Operating Temperature (for cold water use only): 40-100°F (4.4-37.8°C)
Min & Max Operating Pressure: 40-100 psi (276-689 kPa)


Dupont Compatible models for AFC-DP-CB1:


Dupont Compatible models for AFC-DP-ROM:


Do not use this filter with water that is Hot. Do not use the filter with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quantity. DO NOT use this filter longer than its intended 12 Month use. Doing so may result in leaks and water damage.

Install Instructions:
1. Turn off Water Supply.
2. Remove existing filter.
3. Install new filter in head and turn till locked.
4. Turn on Water Supply.
5. Check for leaks.
6. Flush system for 3-5 Minutes.

1 review for AFC™ # AFC-DP-CB1-ROM, Compatible with Dupont® WFRO60X QuickTwist RO Drinking Water Filter System cartridges set of WFQTC30001 and WFROM1000X -Made in U.S.A.

  1. DAVID (verified owner)

    I installed your filters yesterday. something is not right. I can get little or no water out of the faucet. what is wrong? The only difference in the filters is the original one has a plastic piece on the top yours does not. Please help me.

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